Tuesday, May 29, 2007


In this course i was one of the lucky ones to be in Adam Muir's Tutorial. I feel as though i have learnt alot there. The films that we have watched in the lecture's have openened my eyes to a differant range of genres in the film industry. I now appreciate film's with no sound and so forth. I have had a lot of fun making my blog this semester and have enjoyse the class. I hope that next semester is just as fun and informing.

Thank you Adam.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


People and the Internet
By Holly Brown

People rely on the internet everyday for just about everything, things such as shopping, banking, dating, communicating, research and even games. People are pulled towards internet technology because it is simple and can be used for a range of activities. Children rely a lot on internet technology, their young minds are influenced by everything they see and hear in the media. The activities that are available online are spread across many genres which make the internet an easy learning environment that is simple to access and understand.

The internet has revolutionised the way we live, due to the easy accessibility, convenience and simply the amount of communication opportunities available. The first programmable computer was invented in 1936 followed by the original internet connection in 1969 (The History of Computers 2007). It is now thirty-eight years later and the internet has become a part of our everyday lives. The internet appeals to most age groups for a range of different reasons ranging from simple research tasks to shopping and banking. Computer games followed the internet revolution and began crossing the communication barrier which proved to be very popular for young teenagers. 70% of all Australians use the internet, and rely on it for their daily needs (Miniwatts marketing group 03/05/07).

Most information across the internet is arranged in a simple way for young children to understand quite easily. The form of the internet contains a lot of colours, cool pictures, style types and a lot of graphics and sounds that intrigue the children into using the internet and its special effects (Stewart 1999). According to an Australian Bureau of Statistics survey on Children’s Participation in Cultural and Leisure Activities 2006, the majority (92%) of children 5-14 years used a computer and close to two-thirds (65%) accessed the internet during the reference period (Household Use of Information Technology, Australia 2006). Academically advanced younger students are now able to use online learning environments. By utilizing online learning for such highly developed students it is now possible to provide these students with individualised distance learning classes through the internet, allowing for interactive stimulations, sound, colour, and pizzazz, as well as immediate human feedback, all self paced to allow the students to progress or review at will (Washington 1997 cited in Musgrove and Musgrove 2004). The colours and graphics on a computer internet screen helps is highly helpful to a young child and their learning experience. For some people, learning new things can be very challenging but there are Correspondence courses over the internet that have been available for over a century and still are today. Adults have the opportunity to take courses in a variety of academic and recreational subjects. This learning environment allows the students to work at their own pace and their own time scheduling (Musgrove and Musgrove 2004, p.123). “In 1997-1998, distant-learning opportunities over the internet were available in 44% of all higher education institutions” (Council for Higher Education Accreditation [CHEA], 2000 in Musgrove and Musgrove 2004). People of most ages have easy access to cyberspace; the range of activities that it offers helps people in to live their everyday lives in a simplistic relaxing way over the internet.

Researching and learning new things about the world is just one of the activities the internet offers to us. Internet banking and shopping are another two things that have become quite popular in Australia since Pierre Omidyar launched the website eBay in 1995 (Omidyar 2005). Cross internet gaming is another internet revolution that commenced with Doom, a 1994 game that began boundary crossing and multiplayer interaction allowing players to compete in intense head to head battles or four player matches. The game involves brutal graphics and interactive violence, the game itself was downloaded by an estimated 10 million people within two years. Doom still remains one of the most popular games of all time (Idsoftware 2007). Violent games may be fun for a child, but for their wandering minds, too much time in front of the screen can be a bad thing. Studies have identified youth in American society as an at-risk group for violence, both as victims and perpetrators (Forum on Child and Family Statistics 1997 in Fontana and Beckerman 2004). There has been a large number of violence prevention and conflict resolution programs targeted towards school age youth following the concern about the role of the mass media and video games marketed towards them (Fontana and Beckerman 2004). In spite of all the activities that the internet can be used for, proving to be the most popular in Australia from March 2007 after the search engine site Google are the communication websites such as hotmail, ninemsn and myspace (Hitwise 1998-2007). These popular websites are free, easily accessible and quite simple to understand. The graphics on networking sites such as Myspace can be very bright and colourful; this intrigues customers to keep coming back to the site making it a part of their daily routine. But maintaining a networking website such as Myspace takes away the social life that teenagers should be having (Lee 2006). All their social contact is done online which is the reason most people have accounts but never use them. Young teenagers are more likely to be out partying.

Technology has evolved greatly since 1936 when the first freely programmable computer was invented. In today’s society almost anything can be accessed and obtained online such as networking with friends, researching, shopping and network gaming. Young children rely a lot on the internet and are intrigued by the colourful graphics and pictures that it contains. Some people find it harder to learn than others and the internet is a simple, easily accessed learning environment that is suitable for all ages. Some games that are available online can be violent but young children network with their friends into cyberspace.

The History of Computers 2007, http://inventors.about.com/library/blcoindex.htm

Minwatts Marketing Group 2000-2007, Internet World Stats Usage and Population Statistics, http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats6.htm

Marty.W.Stewart 1999, "How to Survive the Internet with Your Kids”,

Household Use of Information Technology, Australia 2006, http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/abs@.nsf/Latestproducts/8146.0Media%20Release32005-06?opendocument&tabname=Summary&prodno=8146.0&issue=2005-06&num=&view=

Anne Musgrove and Glen Musgrove; Online Learning and the younger student theoretical and practical applications 2004, p.123, http://find.galegroup.com/itx/retreive.do?contentSet=IAC-Documents&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&qrySerId=Locale%28en%2CUS%2C%29%3AFQE%3D%28JN%2CNone%2C54%29%22Information+Technology+in+Childhood+Education+Annual%22%3AAnd%3ALQE%3D%28DA%2CNone %2C8%2920040101%24&sgHitCountType=None&inPs=true&sort=DateDescend&searchType=PublicationSearchForm&tabID=T002&prodId=EAIM&searched=R1&currentPostion=13&userGroupName=Griffith&docId=A136208656&docType=IAC

Pierre Omidyar 2005, Pierre Omidya Biography, http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/omi0bio-1

Idsoftware 2007, http://www.idsoftware.com/business/history/

Leonard Fontana and Adela Beckerman 2004, p.49, Childhood violence prevention education using video games, http://find.galegroup.com/itx/retreive.do?contentSet=IAC-Documents&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&qrySerId=Locale%28en%2CUS%2C%29%3AFQE%3D%28JN%2CNone%2C54%29%22Information+Technology+in+Childhood+Education+Annual%22%3AAnd%3ALQE%3D%28DA%2CNone %2C8%2920040101%24&sgHitCountType=None&inPs=true&sort=DateDescend&searchType=PublicationSearchForm&tabID=T002&prodId=EAIM&searched=R1&currentPostion=13&userGroupName=Griffith&docId=A136208656&docType=IAC

Ellen Lee 2006, Social sites becoming too much of a good thing, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2006/11/02/MNGG3M4KB31.DTL

A Position Statement of the National Association for the Education of Young Children 1996, http://www.naeyc.org/about/positions/pdf/PSTECH98.PDF

Hitwise the Power of Competitive Intelligence 1998-2007, http://www.hitwise.com.au/datacenter/rankings.php